Note: How to Open a Swiffer Wet Jet Bottle: 4 Methods and Tips


Can you open Wet Jet bottles? Yes, you can open a bottle. There are 4 different methods for removing the cap. You can use the brute force method, hot tap water method, boiling water method, or hairdryer method. It is all about breaking or softening the locking tabs to get that stubborn cap off the bottle. This note will go over each method as well as some tips to help you avoid damaging the cap or bottle.

Primary Questions:

  • How do you open a Swiffer Wet Jet bottle to refill it?
  • How to remove the locked cap from the Swiffer Wet Jet bottle?
  • What are the different methods to remove the cap from a Swiffer Wet Jet bottle?

You Can Open Swiffer Wet Jet Bottle Using These 4 Methods:

Brute Force Method:

  • Step 1: Grip the Swiffer cap with a pair of channel lock pliers.
  • Step 2: Twist the cap to break the locking tabs.
  • Step 3: Unscrew the cap to remove it.

Note: When using the brute force method to open the Swiffer Wet Jet bottle be sure to not force it. You don’t want to distort or damage the cap. Sometimes the locking tabs on the cap are hard to break. If this is the case, you may have to soften them with the methods below.

Hot Tap Water Method:

  • Step 1: Fill a bowl with hot tap water.
  • Step 2: Submerge the cap and neck of the Swiffer bottle in the water for 1-2 minutes.
  • Step 3: Use channel lock pliers to twist the cap to break the softened tabs.
  • Step 4: Unscrew the cap to remove it.

Note: This method should be your next attempt if you are having trouble with the brute force method and do not want to damage the cap on the Swiffer Wet Jet bottle. It helps to soften the locking tabs before you try to unscrew it. It is safer than the boiling water and hairdryer methods because you are not heating the bottle and cap to higher temperatures.

Boiling Water Method:

  • Step 1: Bring water to a boil in a saucepan on the stove.
  • Step 2: Remove the saucepan from the stove.
  • Step 3: Submerge the cap and neck of the Swiffer bottle in the hot water for 1-2 minutes.
  • Step 4: Use channel lock pliers to twist the cap to break the softened tabs.
  • Step 5: Unscrew the cap to remove it.

Note: If the brute force and hot tap water methods do not work, the boiling water method almost always works. However, it is not as safe as the other methods because it can cause the tabs to melt. To use the boiling water method, fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. Then, submerge the cap and neck of the Swiffer bottle in the hot water for 1-2 minutes. Once the tabs have softened, use pliers to twist the cap off. Be sure to open the bottle away from the hot stove and remove the cap slowly. Pressure can build up in the bottle.

Heat the cap with a hairdryer:

  • Step 1: Heat the cap with a hairdryer until the locking tabs are softened.
  • Step 2: Use pliers to twist the cap to break the softened tabs.
  • Step 3: Unscrew the cap to remove it.

Note: This is the least popular method as you are using a an electrical device to heat the cap. It is hard to control the temp and may be more dangerous. Avoid if possible and use caution if attempting this.


Warning: Ensure the Swiffer Wet Jet bottle is empty before attempting to remove the cap.

Rinse the bottle well and let it dry after before refilling it with a different cleaner.

Please use caution when you refill the bottle. Do not mix floor cleaners or chemicals.

Floor cleaners or chemicals that are not made specifically for a Swiffer Wet Jet may damage the bottle or working parts of the .

Example Floor Cleaner:

For an example of a homemade floor cleaning solution that can be used for mopping all hard flooring and requires no rinsing.


Instead of trying to open a Swiffer Wet Jet bottle, you can also try the “Poor Man’s Swiffer Wet Jet.” It is cheap, just as effective, and more versatile. Plus you don’t have to worry about a bunch of electronic or mechanical parts that can fail which can lead your spray mop to leak or not spray at all.

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