Quick Idea for a Bird Feeder that the Whole Family Can Make

My family enjoys watching the different birds that appear in our backyards all year round.  We put out feeders, water, etc to keep them in our yards.  My daughter even looks up what kind of birds she is seeing in a bird book.

We also have kids that when it gets cold and rainy out don’t like to be cooped up indoors so here is a project that we have done that takes very little preparation and the birds benefit.

What you need for materials is pipe cleaners and some kind of cereal shaped like Cheerios.  That’s it.

Have the kids string the cereal onto the pipe cleaners and then twist them off to make a circle.  They can then hang them on the branches for the birds to eat.

If you have really small children you can put a twist in the end of a pipe cleaner to make it easier for them to string on the cereal. The kids can even snack on it while they are “creating”.

Then since a little fresh air doesn’t hurt anyone, bundle them up and let them go hang their feeders for the birds and wildlife to munch on. Then they can watch from the window to see what kinds of birds like to eat the cereal.

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