Frozen Fruit Slush Recipe

My family absolutely loves frozen fruit slush, I am not sure where the recipe originated from but we have perfected it to our tastes throughout the years. Everyone loves it and it is even healthy!! Here is the way my family likes it but you could easily substitute another fruit in for another if you think that would tickle your family’s taste buds more.


  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 3 – 1 pound boxes of strawberries quartered
  • 1 pound of seedless red grapes halved
  • 1 quart bag fresh frozen peaches cut into bite size pieces (we use fresh frozen since we put up peaches each year)
  • 2 15 ounce cans of pineapple tidbits (undrained)
  • 1 15 ounce can of crushed pineapple (undrained)
  • 6 bananas halved and sliced fairly thick.
  • 12 oz can of pink lemonade (make according to directions and set aside)
  • 12 oz can of orange juice (make according to directions and set aside)


As I said you can vary the fruit if you choose, but this is the fruits we use for our families recipe and everyone likes it. What we do is take a huge stew pot and mix all the fruit and sugar together in it. Then we add the orange juice and lemonade – most generally I use about 2/3 of each juice since we like it pretty fruity and less slushy. I would gradually add your juice and then decide for yourself how slushy or fruity you want your recipe to be.

For easy access we freeze a lot of the fruit slush in individual thick plastic cups covered with saran wrap. I usually get about 25 – 30 1 cup servings per batch. Whenever anyone wants one they get it out, let it sit a bit to thaw and have at it (sometimes we don’t wait for it to thaw at all we just dig in).

If the whole family is going to be together and I want to serve this recipe I freeze it in larger containers.

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