What is Congress?
Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that represents the American people and makes the nation’s laws. It consists of the Senate (100 members) and the House of Representatives (435 members).
Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that represents the American people and makes the nation’s laws. It consists of the Senate (100 members) and the House of Representatives (435 members).
In order for a note to be of any value to you, or even exist, it must satisfy certain conditions. These conditions are inherit in the definition of a note itself. See note: What Is a Note In Terms of Knowledge Management By definition a note must: have meaningful content, be recorded to some kind
A Note Must Satisfy Certain Conditions To Have Any Value Read More »
If cooking thawed chicken breasts you should figure about 8 to 10 minutes. When using frozen chicken breasts you will want to set your instapot for 10 to 12 minutes. Be sure to put 1/2 cup to 1 cup of liquid into the pot, then place your seasoned chicken on top of the trivet. Set
Because A Note Must Satisfy Certain Conditions To Have Any Value, then it stands to reason that a note must be a product of a process or system that satisfies all conditions. The better the process satisfies those conditions the better the note that is produced. [#noteidea]
A Note Is the Product of a Note Taking Process or System Read More »
What is a note? A note, in the terms of memory and knowledge management, can be defined as a brief summary of information that is recorded to a medium or committed to memory so that the information can be recalled for future reference or use. (1) See: A Note Is the Product of a Note
What Is a Note In Terms of Knowledge Management? Read More »
I can remember my mom making these chocolate crinkle cookies growing up and I could hardly wait for them to get baked because they tasted so good with a glass of milk. They are chocolaty but not too chocolaty if you know what I mean. You’ll have to make them yourself to see how good
Nothing tastes better on a cold evening than a good bowl of chili. For my family chili has to be full of flavor but not necessarily hot. For those that prefer their chili really hot, I serve chopped jalapenos on the side and crushed red peppers that they can add as much as they like.
Flavorful Spicy Chili Recipe Right From The Crockpot Read More »
I have a small bathroom in my house and space and functionality is always an issue. Since I don’t have a lot of cabinets and none of them are in close proximity to the toilet I needed a convenient place to have extra rolls.
Fresh green beans straight from your own garden, how yummy. But before you can enjoy the fruits of your labor you need to get them in your garden.
Growing Beans: How To Decide Between Bush And Pole Varieties Read More »
There will be a direct reflection of what you put into your compost pile to how well it will make your garden grow. By making sure you are adding the right materials you can ensure your compost will be nutrient rich and balanced.
Nutrient Rich Ingredients To Add To Your Compost Pile Read More »
My family enjoys watching the different birds that appear in our backyards all year round. We put out feeders, water, etc to keep them in our yards. My daughter even looks up what kind of birds she is seeing in a bird book.
Quick Idea for a Bird Feeder that the Whole Family Can Make Read More »
There is a saying among many gardeners that you need to “Feed the soil, and let the soil feed the plants”. That is very true, and the easiest way to accomplish this is with compost. And what could be better than having your own compost pile to enrich your garden with nutrients.
We’re Spreading a little Christmas cheer this holiday season with this “The 12 Days Of Christmas” infographic. It’s just a fun little gift that you can share with your family and friends.
With its eye catching mixture of leaf colors, the Coleus (Solenostemon) is a perfect plant for shaded garden borders, containers, and flower arrangements.
Coleus (Solenostemon): Add Color And Beauty To Your Garden Read More »
Here is a brilliant way cut back on soil loss and retain more water in your flower pots by simply using coffee filters instead of screens or gravel.
Brilliant Way To Reduce Soil Loss In Your Flower Pots Read More »
Is it time to cut back your ornamental grass? Here is a quick and easy way to do it in less than a minute.
The Quick And Easy Way To Cut Back Your Ornamental Grass! Read More »
This fruit and vegetable garden checklist infographic contains 30 common fruits and vegetables you can plant in your own garden.
If you have 5 minutes to get a meal ready for baking then you have time to make this delicious recipe for baked chicken and rice.
We love to make candy around the holidays, but we often use our peanut brittle recipe at other times as well. It isn’t too hard and it turns out each and every time.