The Frame of What If and Possibility

The Frame of What If and Possibility is used to explore different scenarios and possible outcomes that may result. You do this by framing the subject matter in a ‘what if’, ‘what can’, ‘what could’, ‘what would’, or ‘is it possible’ question.

Typical thinking prompts might be:

What is possible with this?

What if I could…?

Is it possible that…?

What would happen if…?

See: What Are Thinking Prompts and What Can They Do for Your Knowledge and Understanding of a Subject

Use examples might be:

What would be possible if I did achieve this goal?

What if balls were triangles?

What could of happened if I did hit that deer with my car?

Is it possible that Bobby really didn’t mean to pop my ball?

Note: The Frame of What if and Possibility closely relates to The Frame of Alternatives and can often times work in conjunction with each other.

To explore more frames see: A List of Ways You Can Frame and Reframe Thoughts and Information

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