The Frame of Environment

The Frame of Environment is used to establish details about your environment, the environment of a subject, or the environment of an event. It can also be used to set alternative or even fictional environments. It also can be used to establish the mood or feeling of an environment.

The Frame of Environment works well with:

The Frame of Location
The Frame of Distance and Proximity
The Frame of Direction and Orientation

Typical thinking prompts might be:

What did or does the environment look like?

What was the environment like right before the event?

What was the environment like during the event?

What was the environment like after the event?

What is going around you right now?

What effect does, did, or will the environment have on…?

See: What Are Thinking Prompts and What Can They Do for Your Knowledge and Understanding of a Subject?

Use examples might be:

What was the environment like right before Bobby popped the ball?

What was the environment like right after Bobby popped the ball?

What effect did the environment have on Bobby popping the ball?

To explore more frames see: A List of Ways You Can Frame and Reframe Thoughts and Information

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