The Frame of Distance and Proximity

The Frame of Distance and Proximity is used to establish nearness, farness, or presence in space, time, or relationship.

The Frame of Distance and Proximity works well with:

The Frame of Location
The Frame of Direction and Orientation

Typical thinking prompts might be:

How close together were, is, are…?

How far apart were, is, are…?

What was the nearest or closest…?

Was someone present at the event or location?

Where was subject A in relation to subject B?

See: What Are Thinking Prompts and What Can They Do for Your Knowledge and Understanding of a Subject?

Use examples might be:

How close were you and Bobby as friends?

Where far away were you from Bobby when he popped your ball?

How far away could the popping of the ball be heard?

To explore more frames see: A List of Ways You Can Frame and Reframe Thoughts and Information

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