The Frame of Before and After

The Frame of Before and After is used to to help you to develop a picture of what occurred before a situation or what occurred after a situation.

The time-frame you use to go forward or backward in time can vary. You can go backward or forward in time as as far as you need to get a clear enough picture to analyze.

See: The Frame of Time

Most of the time your analysis of the result of before and after framing will be done in [[The Frame of Cause and Effect]] but other frames can be used as well. Even frames that deal in hypothetical. See: The Frame of What If and Possibility.

Typical thinking prompts might be:

What was happening just before the event?

What happened afterwards?

See: What Are Thinking Prompts and What Can They Do for Your Knowledge and Understanding of a Subject

Use examples might be:

What was the kid doing just before he popped my ball?

What did he do after he popped my ball?

To explore more frames see: A List of Ways You Can Frame and Reframe Thoughts and Information

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